Detector Mounts

Leading Importer and Distributor of Detector Mounts such as Coaxial Fixed Detector Mounts, Waveguide Tunable and Waveguide Matched (Fixed) from Modinagar.

Coaxial Fixed Detector Mounts
Model 4151 A, B & C Coaxial Detector Mounts are coaxial untunable type fixed detector mounts for use with coaxial outputs. These are low SWR devices having flat frequency response and high sensitivity.

These consists of N (M) connector on input side and BNC (F) connector on Output side and a crystal diode with matching disc is mounted inside.

Other coaxial accessories available are:
1. Coaxial short, N OR SMA
2. Coaxial termination, N OR SMA
3. Coaxial variable attenuator
4. Coaxial tees ETC.

Waveguide Tunable
For more details & specification please download the PDF.

Waveguide Matched (Fixed)
For more details & specification please download the PDF.